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Anchor 1
Anchor 2

​This memoir of a school master is about his journey from abecedarian to doctoral ignorance. It is about his extraordinary mentors. It is about the life learnings that have made him understand the need for balance and the necessity of imbalance to lead a meaningful life. Perhaps, journeys are designed. Perhaps, freewill is needed to reach destined destinations. Life is not fortuitous, nor a planned chain of events. We try to live life to the best of our abilities. We try to fill it with beautiful hours.

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Anchor 3
Engineering Vision Technology Revolution & Optimism

Using technologies, it seems, it is possible to do anything and produce anything. The centre of gravity of the engineering profession is shifting. Engineers are expected to understand global issues and the nuances of working in a culturally diverse space. They are expected to appreciate, more than before, the human dimensions of emerging technologies. There are many questions, such as - Are there enough challenging jobs in the manufacturing industry to attract good engineers? Is it right to allow the creation of future elites who have augmented themselves with artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, without inventing a way to manage their superhuman abilities? Can technology improve work-life balance? Is society ready to accept the exponential development challenges? These, and many such issues are the concerns of science, engineering, technology, and society. This book is an attempt to deliberate upon these issues for the welfare of humankind.

No Personal Questions Please!

Why We Want to Know Everything


What Sized World Fits Our Head


What Makes us Purchasable


Are We Born Corrupt


Why We Must Rewild Ourselves a Bit


Can a Humane Organization Retain Why Some Minds are More Beautiful


Its Humanity


How Junk is Different from Garbage


Is Age the Only Criterion to Remain Young


Can Man and Woman Be Just Friends


Can Society Afford the Death of Embarrassment

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Looking Into The Mirror
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School Of Upna Life

The book commemorates 50th year of author's graduation in Engineering.  In this collection of essays, author traces the trails of footprints from the edge of today to the precinct of yesterday. The essays are about author's journey in the academic and professional world of engineering, as Professor, Researcher and S&T administrator.  It is about a school where knowledge is not a burden, where no problem is trivial, learning is not dictation, incoherence is heard, where dreams become realities, and mirrors turn into windows. It is about happiness. It is about an Antifragile Renaissance City. It is about a Renaissance Man.


This collection of poetry in English and Hindi comprises of wavelets that want to become part of a wave. Communication for me is giving a part of me to my readers. Communication for me is celebration of life, with all its complexities. This collection of poems is about discovering the self. It is about my convictions and beliefs.

Algorithms of Life and Window of Hope

Hope, mind and the spirit of man work when nothing works. When one doesn’t know what to do with his time, one does many things. One thinks of having an unknown companion. An unknown companion doesn’t flood you with what he knows. But you have the freedom to flood him with whatever you deem fit. You can write to him on ‘whenever-whatever’ basis. You can write to him in the true spirit of writing. You can write to him in a gloomy night to bring you moonlight. The author presents to the readers his occasional writings. It contains a few algorithms of life, and that includes the spirit of man, faith and health, psychological yoga, the wisdom of the third age. It’s about an unvanquished mind. The seemingly delinked write-ups have a common link with the author.

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Neural Suitcase Tells the Tales of Many Minds

The book is about the mind. The most interesting interdisciplinary conversations and the best idea sessions are held inside our mind. The mind is our neural suitcase. Our neural suitcase tells the tales of so many minds. The tales are beautiful, moral, vulnerable, quiet, chaotic, hungry, obese, real, fictional, memorable, forgetful, creative, curious, humorous, trustworthy, biased, wise, foolish, friendly, hateful, meaningful, blind, and questioning. The mind also builds castles in the air. It is for us to put foundations under these castles. It is for us to pack our neural suitcase carefully. Our questioning mind asks many interesting questions, such as: Should we design a perfect mind? Why does time have no mind of its own? Why is it hard to walk straight? Why do we make deliberate mistakes? Why is boredom not for everyone? What is the right dose of grief? Why is poison not always poisonous? Should we always hate our enemy? Why are memoirs fabricated? Why we are not totally dishonest? Why are all worries not worth worrying? Why shall some questions remain unresolved forever? The book is about the mind of a teacher, a mother, a beautiful woman, a gossiper, a liar, a fool, a corrupt person, a winner, etc.

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Geele Kaghaz Par Failte Jalrang
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The Rising Sun

In this collection, the author presents kaleidoscopic imprints of ordinary people's lives. It is about a father who wants to redeem what he lost when he was his son's age, a drifter's search for home, a man's wandering around a mirage, a schoolteacher's desire to open a school where knowledge is not a burden. It is about family budget that struggles to meet the demands of "want" and "need." It is about a booklover and a bookseller who never understood the difference between book reading and selling. It is about searching something that is found within. It is about a man who simply trusted, never argued nor defended or complained. It is about a grandson's eagerness to connect with his grandparents. The Rising Sun is Purnendu Ghosh's first published collection of stories.

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Du Poysar Icche


Engineering of Life and Life Technologies

Engineering of Life and Life Technologies is about the future of the most vibrant thing called ';life'. There can't be a better engineering than life itself. In the engineering of life lie answers to many of our ills. Engineering of life plays a leading role in shaping many of our future endeavours in the world of medicine, industry and agriculture. To understand the implications of the future world integration of engineering and biology has become essential. The book is about the implications of biological engineering and biotechnology in the making of a better world.

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The Mind of an Engineer

The Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) promotes the endeavour of the practitioners of engineering and technology and related sciences to solve the problems of national importance. The book is an initiative of the INAE and a reflection of the experiences of some of the Fellows of the INAE in the fields of science, technology and engineering. The book is about the reminiscences, eureka moments, inspirations, challenges and opportunities in the journey the professionals took toward self-realisation and the goals they achieved. The book contains 58 articles on diverse topics  that truly reflects the way the meaningful mind of an engineer works. 

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The Mind of an Engineer: Volume 2

This book is a collection of chapters reflecting the experiences and achievements of some of the Fellows of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE). The book contains 38 chapters on diverse topics that truly reflect the way the meaningful mind of an engineer works.

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During his journey author met various people. Some people/events made a mark on him. In this collection of poems author has interpreted his experiences about the intricacies of human nature. This book is about knowing the self, more than anything else.

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The Better Half

This book is a collection of poems and essays in which the author has tried to capture and express some of his everyday experiences and instant thoughts. The contents of the book span and capsule a wide range of subjects such as love and togetherness, teacher with vision, care of a mother, a city and its identity, and above all the book portraits the obvious that moves beyond the obvious.


The book is a collection of poems and a story in Bengali reflecting the journey of common man and his experiences as an observer of events about the intricacies of human nature and the mindset. The book is about discovering the discovered.

P ghosh

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BISR, Statue Circle, Jaipur

© 2024 by Prof P Ghosh

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